Dear Valued Customer,The new European chemical legislation REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Registration of Chemicals) became law in the European Union on June 1, 2007.The RITA Corporation is fully committed to being REACH compliant.As a manufacturer and distributor of chemicals within the European Union, the RITA Corporation is committed to pre-register the vast majority of our products by the December 1, 2008 deadline.If we decide not to pre-register a product, we will inform our customers as soon as possible.We then intend to complete the phase-in registration of those products within the specified time tables.If for some reason, we withdraw a registration, we will notify our customers immediately. In the spirit of the REACH legislation, we are open to collaboration all along our supply chain and are happy to work closely with principals, suppliers, and our customers to ensure compliance.If you have a concern regarding REACH and the RITA Corporation’s participation, please don't hesitate to contact your RITA representative. Sincerely,Daniel V. Beio Vice President of Research & Development